Egyptian Mau Grands of Distinction


In 2011, CFA instituted a new title: the Grand of Distinction (GoD) Award. To earn this title, a cat must receive a minimum of 30 finals over each of 3 separate show seasons. The show seasons do not have to be consecutive, and the title may be earned in Championship, Premiership, or a combination of the two. Once 30 finals in the 3rd show season have been reached, a "D" is added to the end of the title that reflects the cat's current competitve status, and becomes either a GCD or a GPD.

This is a title that requires consistant quality and great determination and sustained effort for both the owner and the cat to achieve. To date, there have been only two very special Egyptian Maus that have captured the GPD title.






GC GPD RW Mautrix Aurora Borealis, DM

Silver female

Sire: GC RW Mautrix Merlin
Dam: GC Mautrix Light up the Sky, DM

Qualifying Seasons:  2012, 2014, 2017
Date Achieved: 2017-07-30

Breeder: Laurie Coughlan
Owner: Connie Coufal and Laurie Coughlan




GPD, RW Maison Dukat Thorin Oakenshield

Bronze Neuter

Sire: Maison Dukat's Professor Moriarty
Dam: Mauraj Tasha of Maison Dukat

Qualifying Seasons: 2014, 2015, and 2016
Date Achieved: 2016-03-12

Breeder: Mark & Linda Humpage
Owner: Karen Stenlund and Randy Hamm




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